In the aftermath of that terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Boo death hoax from yesterday, the Internet desperately needs some soothing puppy cuteness to wash out the taste of throat tears.

Introducing Milly, a three-month-old chihuahua who may potentially be the world's smallest dog.

A palm-sized pooch who weighs as much as a cell phone, Milly had her share of difficulties due to being so slight. "She could not breastfeed due to the tiny size of her mouth," said owner Rivera Eizzil. "To get an idea of just how petite she is, when she was born she received milk from an eyedropper."

That's really petite!

The current Guinness World Record holder, a chihuahua from Kentucky named Boo Boo, is over an inch shorter than Milly, but the teeny weeny puppy is still nine months away from qualifying for review (and she has some stiff competition from the likes of Beyoncé). Until then, she'll have to settle for being just the most cutest thing evar omg.

[Image via CommentSquare]