[There was a video here]

Craig Sonner and Hal Uhrig, the attorneys briefly responsible for representing George Zimmerman, withdrew from the case today.

Zimmerman, who shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin on Feb. 26, has not been arrested and is not charged with a crime, but he has seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth. His own lawyers say they've "lost contact with him."

"As of now we are withdrawing from counsel for Mr. Zimmerman," Sonner told reporters today, and continued:

We've lost contact with him. Up to this point, we've had contact with him every day. He's gone on his own; I'm not sure what he's doing or who he's talking to, but at this point we are withdrawing his counsel. If he wants us to come back as counsel he will contact us. We had contact as of Sunday, in the last couple of days we have lost—he has not returned phone calls or text messages or emails, leading me to believe that I can't go forward speaking to the public about George Zimmerman in this case as representing him, because I've lost contact with him at this point. I still believe that he was acting in self defense that night. Nothing that I've said about him or this case has changed in any way, I just can't proceed to represent a client who doesn't stay in contact with me.

Sonner and Uhrig also said in the broadcast that they had reason to believe that Zimmerman had personally contacted the case's special prosecutor and possibly even spoke to Fox's Sean Hannity without their knowledge or permission. And, of course, he's set up his own website. Therealgeorgezimmerman.com is still soliciting donations for Zimmerman's "living expenses and legal funds." As of 1:30 p.m. today, he'd added a single update:

I am attempting to respond to each and everyone of my supporters personally. The support has been overwhelming in volume and strength. I thank you all and ask that you permit me the time to respond to each one of you personally.

Just not to his lawyers.

[Reuters, Video via CNN]