What's new with notorious mass murderer Charles Manson? Not much. He's 77 now. Still in prison. The California department of Corrections has released an updated mugshot in advance of his 12th parole hearing next week. He probably won't attend (hasn't gone to one since 1997) and he certainly won't get parole.

The reason for the new mugshot is that Manson's appearance has changed greatly since his last one was taken in 2009. Back then looked a little bit like Sean Connery. Now he reads more "generic homeless." CNN has assembled a small collection of the former cult leader's most recent booking photos, in case you care to peruse them. The one from 2006 has a certain joie de vivre.

And, just in case you thought that maybe Charles Manson was a model prisoner, CNN reports that he has, in fact, received "a laundry list of violations in prison."

He was most recently cited last October, for having a homemade weapon in his cell. He's also received smuggled cellphones twice, most recently this past January, when he made calls to California, Oregon, and Maine.

Here's a link where you can listen to a sing-songy (and very crazy) voicemail he left for a friend in 2009.

All this raises the question: Who is smuggling Charles Manson cellphones? Please stop.

[Image via AP]