Bounding Toward Your Face This July: Katy Perry’s Boobs, in 3D

Folks who enjoy experiencing Katy Perry on screens of various sizes, in fields of various dimensions are in for a treat this summer: she's coming to the movies in 3D.
The same team (minus Usher) behind Justin Bieber's film "Never Say Never,"which grossed over $100 million on a $13 million budget and, more importantly, taught us never to say never, has decided to crank out another hit using an identical concert-documentary formula.
Like the Bieber movie, "Katy Perry: Part of Me" will be comprised of a mix of on-and-off stage footage and will be shown in 3D for virtually no reason. (Apart from Perry's two pretty big reasons.) It will also, real talk, probably be seen by most of the same people.
In a statement about the project, Perry said, "I promise you, after seeing this film, you will truly know me," though the documentary's title suggests this is only partly true.
The film's trailer, available on Youtube, promises heavy discussion of Perry's religious upbringing and hints at details of her break-up with actor Russell Brand, though no one directly addresses that nugget in the clip.
In addition to concert footage taken from Perry's 2011 California Dreams tour, the movie will showcase lots of the speaking voice that makes those Proactiv commercials so grating.
[Image via AP]