A judge today ended Lindsay Lohan's seemingly interminable probation period, stemming from a 2007 drunk driving case.

Lohan, who showed up to court in a pantsuit an ill-advised shade of powder blue, thanked her "for being fair."

The actress has been to court at least 19 times since her first arrest, and violated her probation four times in the past two years.

She will remain on informal probation until May 2014, owing to last year's allegations of jewelry theft, but will no longer have to check in with a probation officer or report for duty at the Los Angeles County morgue. (No word on whether Lohan made summer camp-esque empty promises to stay in touch with everyone.)

She also won't face travel restrictions. Earlier today, Lohan was granted a Canadian work permit to film, Liz and Dick, a Lifetime movie about Elizabeth Taylor, in Toronto. Rather than portraying the titular dick, Lohan will be be acting in the role of Taylor.

The only rule of her informal probation: there are no rules.

Just kidding. There's actually one big, general rule, which the judge explained as follows:

"The only terms for you are for you to obey all laws."

So we should expect to see her back in court by summer's end, then.

[Image via AP]