Last weekend, the Washington Post ran an op-ed insinuating that college professors might not "work hard enough," citing high average salaries and relatively low workloads for full-time professors. True? Untrue? It doesn't matter. (Except to academia [=boring].) When it comes to winning these public debates, all that matters are the "optics" of the thing. From Inside Higher Ed:

Jill Kronstadt, an associate professor of English at Montgomery College, was in the middle of grading papers Sunday when she came across a Washington Post opinion piece questioning whether college professors work hard enough.

She was upset.

Kronstadt spent the next few hours writing a rebuttal to the piece

"I am so outraged about your piece insinuating that I do not have way too much work to do that I just stopped doing my little bit of work and spent hours crafting a response to you, because hey, I have the time for that," is what I imagine her intro said.

By Monday night, the Levy op-ed had attracted more than 1150 comments on the Post website, many of them critical of the piece.

How did all those busy professors find the time in their busy schedules to leave a thousand internet comments? Must have had to shuffle around some important classes and whatnot, haha.

Because they are very busy and hardworking. Haha.

Too easy? Deal with it, Socrates.

[Inside Higher Ed. Image via Flickr.]