Once the news broke, many were outraged by Penn State's failure to act on allegations that Jerry Sandusky was sexually abusing children. The latest piece of information is even more damning — a 1998 police report that includes testimony from a psychologist who concluded Sandusky "fit the profile of a likely pedophile."

Psychologist Alycia Chambers also interviewed the 11-year-old boy Sandusky was accused of showering with. Her findings were included in a report that NBC News only just obtained.

Chambers' 14-year-old warning raises new questions about the university's failure to stop Sandusky, who's accused of assaulting 10 boys over a 15-year period. He denies the charges and awaits trial.

In the interest of fairness, another psychologist who was asked to report on the case said that Sandusky was not a pedophile, and that the 11-year-old boy had not been abused. Either way, it reflects poorly on Penn State that they ignored one psychologist's distressing assessment.

[Image via AP]