The four teen moms at the heart of MTV's Teen Mom — Amber, Catelynn, Farrah, and Maci — will be moving on to bigger and better things after the show airs its fourth season this summer. While MTV won't say whether the girls opted to leave so they could focus on their continuing education, or whether MTV forced them out for getting too old, the end result is we'll soon be seeing the last of them, outside of endless reruns.

MTV released an exclusive statement to US Weekly.

Season 4 will be the final season of Teen Mom with Maci, Catelynn, Amber and Farrah. They will continue to be a part of our MTV family, and we're thankful to these brave young women for sharing their stories and helping to make a positive impact on teen pregnancy prevention.

While the girls have appeared in teen pregnancy PSAs — hence MTV's note about "prevention" — the series Teen Mom has been criticized for rewarding the act of getting knocked up at a young age. You know, have a baby, become an MTV star.

That's up for debate. For these particular four girls, however, the Teen Mom journey is over. It's probably worth noting that MTV hasn't expressly said the Teen Mom franchise is over, just that its main cast is leaving. I'm sure they could theoretically find a group of younger, hotter, pregnanter teens to follow with cameras. But that's just speculation.

[Image via AP]