Rebekah Brooks Arrested Again

It looks like the biggest guillotine thus far has fallen (again) in the News Corp phone hacking scandal: British police have reportedly arrested Rebekah Brooks—former editor of the tabloids News of the World and The Sun, as well as former CEO of News International, News Corp's UK newspaper division, and a close friend and confidante of the Murdoch family. Brooks resigned from News International last year and was arrested last summer in the earlier stages of the phone hacking investigation. She was given a hefty going-away package last year.
Brooks was reportedly among six people arrested this morning. Also arrested was her husband (dayum) and Mark Hanna, the "group director of security" at News International. Hey, hard to do security while you're under arrest! Right? A little British crime humor there, is all.
Police haven't said specifically why Brooks was arrested but I bet it's related to that whole "massive hacking scandal" thing.
[Photo: AP]