Why Moms Are Breastfeeding In Facebook's Face

Angry lactivists - that's the term, stop snickering - showed up in front of Facebook's offices in Austin to breasfeed their babies. They were part of a wave of such "nurse-ins," all designed to protest the social network's staggeringly dumb policies on breastfeeding photos.
Technically, Facebook allows breastfeeding pictures. But such pictures still seem to get regularly banned on the social network. And Facebook freely admits to a policy under which all breasts must be in active use or covered. "An exposed breast that is not being used for feeding... violates our terms," a Facebook spokesperson is seriously actually telling the press. Similar events have taken place or been planned in 14 cities around the world.
Despite some complications involving at least one "poopsplosion," the Austin event was a public relations success for the protesters, garnering coverage from at least three TV and radio stations and two major newspapers. Some Facebook employee sympathizers, all women, even brought down water bottles and infant-sized hats. It's not clear if they cited anyone for temporarily having a breast not in active use.