If Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra is trying to dig his way out of the controversy stemming from his charming campaign ad, which aired on Super Bowl Sunday, one observant Twitter follower's discovery isn't helping.

Click to expand the image above and you will find that the HTML code for the ad labels the actress, "yellow girl." Look, I'm sure this just unintentional racism and is actually a reference to the distinguishing yellow shirt she is wearing. Which is probably just a coincidental wardrobe selection, like that of the Yellow Power Ranger.

We have reached out to Hoekstra's campaign for more information, but if anyone has any information on the actress, please email tips@gawker.com or email me directly at Leah@gawker.com.

Update: Kristen Luidhardt, a web consultant for the campaign, made a statement acknowledging that "the image in question was originally named yellowshirtgirl but was mistakenly shortened in one place. It's that simple."

The HTML code has since been updated to read:

Problem solved.

[Via TPM]