The Reddit User Who Asked Woody Harrelson About Taking a High School Girl's Virginity Speaks

After witnessing Woody Harrelson's spectacular Reddit Ask Me Anything fail, we wanted to talk to the genius who asked him about the time he allegedly crashed a high school prom and took a female student's virginity. So we messaged Reddit user AndyRooney.
During the brief Ask Me Anything (AMA) session, AndyRooney claimed that Harrelson had crashed his prom at the Universal Hilton in LA and "ended up taking the virginity of a girl Roseanna," then cruelly never called her again. "Do you remember any of this and can confirm or have you been so knee deep in hollywood pooty for so long that this qualifies as a mere blip?" he asked. Harrelson denied that it'd ever happened.
When we messaged him on Reddit today, AndyRooney declined to elaborate on the allegedly fateful night.
"I have no interest in outing my self and especially have zero interest in outing the poor girl (wasn't close to her back then and haven't spoken to her since high school)," he wrote. "Have no idea about how Woody got there… I didn't know the guy." However, he did say the girl was 18 at the time, based on a review of her Facebook page.
AndyRooney seemed to be just a little less taken aback by the attention his question has attracted than Harrelson was by the question itself.
I didn't even think anyone would really read it let alone him and his PR team. Thats why the original question was so sparse and dry and matter of fact....just thought the few that did read it would be amused. And I didn't think it was the worst think in the world either...just typical slimy cad behavior.
If that moron, or his PR people, didn't answer the AMA so stupidly my request to confirm the story would have been confined to Reddit and a few hundred readers for a day or so.
The question certainly caused Harrelson's PR people to freak out, according to this awkward account by Annette Lamothe-Ramos, a Vice writer who interviewed Woody Harrelson on Friday just minutes after he bailed on the AMA:
Before they went into Woody's hotel suite, I met the girls who were conducting the AMA. They seemed sweet, so I didn't mind the additional wait-imagining that they might butter him up with a light-hearted Q&A before Woody and I got down to business.
Ten minutes later, a stampede charged the waiting room, each person whispering furiously and cupping their mouths in horror. I didn't hear everything but I knew it wasn't good. The only fragments I could make out were something about "de-virginizing a high schooler" and "really angry."
We'd take AndyRooney's story with an enormous grain of salt, given the lack of details and Reddit's reputation as a haven for trolls. Who knows what happened. But it's still the best interview question we've heard asked of a movie star in a long time.
[Image via AP]