Super Bowl Parties Are Costing Us $11 Billion

It's unlikely anyone is taking out a second mortgage on his or her house to prepare for a Super Bowl party, but a recent CNBC article suggests we may be doing some serious damage collectively. Who knew hot wings and beer could be so expensive?
According to a survey from the Retail Advertising and Marketing Association conducted by BigInsight, the average game-watcher will shell out $63.87 on game-related merchandise, apparel and snacks, up from $59.33 last year.
That means total Super Bowl spending is expected to reach as much as $11 billion.
Well, that doesn't seem too bad on an individual level. But I hadn't even considered those hidden expenses — merch, really? — and the fact that hosting a Super Bowl party is only a worthwhile endeavor if you're sure to be the best on the block. How embarrassing to spend a paltry $60 when your neighbor's gone past the average and splurged at $65.
Actually, one of the major expenses is a new TV: the same survey indicates that 5.1 million Americans will be shelling out the big bucks for something bigger, higher definition, and — if these people care about the Super Bowl at all — possibly shaped like a football.
It seems like the easiest solution to avoid spending so much would be not hosting a Super Bowl party. Do you have any idea what you can buy with $63.87? The alternative is what some might call a "dick move," but your savvier friends will think of as resourceful: charge admission. Look, if your buddies are going to invade your house, eat your seven-layer dip, drink from your mini-keg, and enjoy your brand new flat-screen, the least they can do is make a contribution.