We got an angry email from Juliette Lewis' publicist (she must be doing pretty well if she has a publicist) saying that the girl getting boned in this picture by perv photo Terry Richardson is not Juliette Lewis. Then it must be a photo of Terry Richardson fucking a girl that looks like Juliette Lewis.

Here's the email we got from Juliette's real live publicist.

From: Carleen <[redacted]>
Date: Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 12:08 PM
Subject: URGENT: Juliette Lewis
To: "legal@gawker.com"


I am Juliette Lewis' publicist. The image that you have on your site right now is not of her. I need it taken down immediately and the story retracted.

It is correct that she did a shoot with Terry several years ago but this is absolutely not a shot from that shoot nor does this image even have her in it.

Please confirm you received this email and that the image/ story will be taken down.

But that is still totally Terry Richardson though (and I would still totally suck his dick).