Which Barely Legal Tween Actress Hooked up with an Older Director at Sundance?

This actress made a splash at Sundance. It wasn't with an indie film, it was by sleeping with a much older director. Don't worry, she just turned 18. Also at Sundance, this actor hooked up with a much older actress. Do they hold this festival twice—in May and December?
1. "This what now counts for an A list Tween television actress was flirting heavily with this director who is the boyfriend of this usually annoying B list movie actress. Anyway, the director was going to keep it at flirting until the tweener told him she was over 18(barely). Hello hotel room. I'm sure the excuse he gave to his girlfriend for missing her big event was priceless. Our B list actress was out of her mind ticked off." [CDaN]
2. "More fun from Sundance! This C list actor and entertainer was seen in the very early morning hours, leaving the hotel room of a very old film actress who is in town promoting her movie…" [BuzzFoto]
3. "Which squeaky-clean pop star is desperately trying to keep his pot-smoking habit and hookups with a Las Vegas hooker under wraps? The young crooner's famous girlfriend wouldn't care so much about his wacky weed habit, but she probably wouldn't appreciate the cheating!" [National Enquirer]
4. "This woman, who is rather thick to begin with, has always been very weight conscious. After plumping up a little recently, she wanted to sport a flat tummy at an upcoming awards show so you could marvel at how amazing and perfect she is. So she had some liposuction last week. While she's been keeping a very low profile lately, she's never been one to stay out of the spotlight for long, so the paps just might catch a glimpse of her out in public in either Los Angeles or New York. They might even note that she is walking slower than usual or holding her stomach. In any case, you will definitely see her at an upcoming awards show – perhaps even on stage, pretending that her flat stomach is the result of discipline and hard work." [Blind Gossip]
5. "Which former boy-bander was recently spotted shopping for discounted holiday cards at the CVS Pharmacy in Hollywood? The blonde, out-of-work singer/ actor – who's put on a few pounds since his "DWTS" stint – was complaining about the state of TinselTown's unemployment." [National Enquirer]
6. "These two popular talk-show hosts have been blasting each other with sly on-air comments. The chatty daytime rivals have been tossing the other's competing show under the proverbial bus! Who are they?" [National Enquirer]
7. "Which Golden Globe-winning TV star's short-lived marriage ended because he couldn't curb his sex addiction? The twice-married hunk was attending 12-step meetings to cure his cravings, but when he relapsed, his actress wife told him to hit the road!" [National Enquirer]
8. "Which handsome Oscar-winning actor has been caught in the middle of a children's charity crisis? Turns out the big star – who has no kids – was scheduled to appear at the charity's function by the ambitious wife of his production partner. Now the A-lister has to decide whether to back out and disappoint the kiddies in need – or cancel a vacation he planned with his hot new girlfriend." [National Enquirer]