Man Arrested for Stealing Saddam Hussein's Buttock

It seems Nigel "Spud" Ely got a little carried away while working in Iraq in 2003. The Englishman somehow got a hold of a fragment of a toppled statue of Saddam Hussein. That piece just happened to be a buttock. A picture accompanying the article provides little help with determining whether it was the left or right buttock, or even whether or not it is a buttock.
Ely is adamant about holding onto the buttock. He claims he saved the it from being melted down into scrap metal after US marines toppled a statue of the dictator in Baghdad. A 66-year-old man was arrested for trying to help Ely sell the buttock, as he is suspected of "breaching the 2003 Iraq Sanctions Order, which governs the importation of "Iraqi cultural property" – including items of archaeological, historical or religious importance," reports the Guardian.
Iraqi officials now want it back, but Ely maintains a tight grip on the buttock. The police have warned him not to sell or mess up the buttock in any way.
[pic via getty]