Check out Newt Gingrich on Saturday, gabbing with some nice old ladies after a most uncomfortable church service. Who are these women — church elders, pillars of the community, something along those lines? Let's check the AP photo caption: "Republican presidential candidate former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, accompanied by his wife Callista, meets with prisoners during an event at the Jones Memorial AME Zion Church, Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012, in Columbia, S.C." Hmm. What gives the AP the impression that these elderly ladies have run afoul of the law?

In another photo, we see Warden Gingrich inspecting the buffet line near the prison mess hall. Enlighten us, AP: "Republican presidential candidate former House Speaker Newt Gingrich looks at food prisoners and guest after an event at Jones Memorial AME Zion Church." Okay, we're clearly dealing with typos. It should be "looks at food for prisoners and guests." Society's terrible prisoners deserve the dignity of a preposition, their guests the acknowledgement of a plural.

Several other photos from the event, however, identify them as "parishioners," instead of prisoners. Which one is correct? That's for you to decide, reader, although hint hint they're parishioners not prisoners.

[Image via AP]