Man Killed In Train Accident Sued By Woman His Flying Body Parts Injured

If you die in a horrific train accident, be sure to aim your severed body away from any bystanders. That's the lesson from the sad, bizarre case of Hiroyuki Joho, whom a court has ruled can be sued for injuries caused by his own body parts when he was killed by a train.
When 18-year-old Hiroyuki Joho recklessly ran in front of an Amtrak barreling along at 70 mph in Chicago 2008 to catch a train, a part of his body flew onto a nearby platform, knocking 58-year-old Gayane Zokhrabov to the ground, breaking her leg and wrist. An appellate court just ruled Zokhrabov can sue Joho: ""If you do something as stupid as this guy did, you have to be responsible for what comes from it," said the lawyer who handled the case.
There will likely be no countersuit.
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