Better fire some more liberal opera show hosts and soon, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, because President Romney's got plans for you. Oh, he's got plans alright:

During a campaign event in Clinton, Iowa Wednesday, the former Massachusetts governor told supporters that there were a number of things he would do to balance the budget.

"One is to stop certain programs," he explained. "Stop them. Close them. Turn them off. Even some you like."

"You might say, ‘I like the National Endowment for the Arts.' I do," he continued. "I like PBS. We subsidize PBS. Look, I'm going to stop that. I'm going to say that PBS is going to have to have advertisement."

"We're not going to kill Big Bird, but Big Bird is going to have advertisements, alright?"

For background on the recent obsession with whoring out Big Bird, see this.

[Images via The Boston Globe/AP]