Newt Gingrich Is Rapidly Losing Interest in Campaigning

Just last week, as Iowans were re-suspecting that he was only in this thing to hawk his dumb Ronald DVDs and alternate histories, Newt Gingrich announced that he would launch a 44-stop(!) bus tour ahead of the caucuses. SEE GUYS? EFFORT.
But then a few days later, Politico reported the new number:
Newt Gingrich is planning to turn to a sharp "jobs and growth" message both on the airwaves and in over 30 appearances next week in the final run-up to the Iowa caucuses, according to campaign officials.
Over 30 opportunities to sell c-movies... er... run for president of Iowa!
The Des Moines Register brings us the latest update today. The good news is that the latest number of planned stops is still in double digits:
The "Iowa Jobs and Prosperity Bus Tour" will make 22 stops between now and the Jan. 3 caucuses. That's exactly half of the 44 he said he would make last week when announcing the tour during a stop in Davenport.
He'll have fled the country by tomorrow night.