Today we learned that advertising comes in all shapes, sizes, and ages. As humans, we are all one big walking, talking demographic as far as advertising goes. Mother, father, sister, uncle, grandmother, the ads target us all (this is really what the Tree of Life was about, FYI). But because today was a Golden Girls kind of day in the ad world, let's stick to that. Some commenters over at Sterling-Cooper put their noggins together and came up with some additional campaigns.

From therivercharley:

"Grandma's got enough room in her trunk for you and three of your closest friends." - Lincoln Town Car

And from PhDinSeagology:

"All the men in town used to talk about grandma's tight piping." —Bartlett's Steel Flanges

"None of the men in town ever complained when grandma asked for a service fee." —United Bank

"All the men used to say you could ride grandma's leathery seat for hours." —Al's Handcrafted Saddles

And finally, A Message to Rudy:

Grandma just can't wait to get one of those hard, brown ones in her mouth.

Werther's Originals.

The votes are in and the gutter-brained commenters have it. The monkey's are running the zoo.

[Image via flickr/supermuch]