By pulling its ads from TLC's All-American Muslim—a reality show in which Michigan-based Muslims ("terrorists") hug, roller-blade, dance in their middle-class driveways, and engage in other banal activities ("fight the holy war")—Lowe's Home Improvement pleased and appeased America's Islamophobic community. But now it's apologizing for having offended everyone else.

The company has issued a statement stating that it's sorry that its ad-pulling decision "managed to make some people very unhappy." "Some people" includes a California state senator who's exploring whether Lowe's decision violated any (Sharia) laws, Def Jam founder/Foundation for Ethnic Understanding chairman Russell Simmons, and millions of Americans. Lowe's community manager has probably been chugging aspirin-infused milkshakes all weekend considering the thousands of critical comments people have posted to the company's Facebook. Though given the radio silence on the company's Twitter feed, maybe that person quit their job altogether.

[Fox News]