Poor middle-aged six-figure recruitment executive Gary Chaplin was only trying to be helpful and honest when he told a prospective job seeker via email to "fuck off" for being "too stupid to get a job, even in banking." Unfortunately, the 4,000 other people he sent the email to by accident didn't appreciate his candor.

The job hunter, Manos Katsampoukas, had sent Chaplin and the 4,000 others his resume and a note about his interests in finance and marketing. According to the Sun, the note seriously vexed Chaplin, who called it "spam" and then delivered the following message (which is kind of a "guess the correct swear word game," and therefore something of a quirky brain-twister):

"If you are not bright enough to learn how to 'bcc' and thus encourage cock-jockey retards to then spam everyone on the list (yes Dan McCarthy from One Search I'm talking about you - you opportunistic thunder—[cock? Is it cock again? Ugh, those funny British vocabulary words—Ed.] then please fuck off ... you are too stupid to get a job, even in banking.

I get enough retarded spam from idiots - I don't need the Dan 'Fucktard' McCu—hy's of the world thinking they are being smart and original by spamming back to your 4000 best friends.

As if acting like an abusive jackass and used the word "retarded" in an inappropriate manner weren't enough, Chaplin also sent the email under the name of a different recruiter. He then had to backtrack when his cover was blown. Because of his judgment errors he had to resign from his job and is now looking for a new job himself. Somebody hire him! His style is a little unorthodox but he speaks his mind. You'll always know where you stand with Gary Chaplin, until he's forced to apologize for calling you names.

[The Sun. Images via Shutterstock, Sun]