Penn State's new president has hired notorious Washington taint sucker Lanny Davis, the former Clinton White House counsel and whiny, self-defeating media booster for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. Penn State really is committed to fixing its image as the Keystone State's finest enabler of the worst thing in the world.

The AP reports:

Penn State spokeswoman Lisa Powers says Davis "has been engaged" to provide legal advice and counsel to Penn State President Rodney Erickson.

Trustees appointed Erickson last month to replace Graham Spanier. Spanier resigned under pressure in the wake of child sex abuse charges against retired assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, who maintains his innocence.

This retention puts Penn State in the same league as Lanny Davis' other lovely clients, past and present, including:

He is also a columnist for The Hill, where he writes supportive columns about his clients while pretending to be unbiased. Ha ha, Washington D.C.

A great hire for the Nittany Lions, basically. He'll clear their name and somehow get them a few F16s on the side.

[Image via AP]