Will You Pose Nude To Fight the 'God Hates Fag' Church?

There's a Reddit campaign underway to build the world's preeminent educational, gay-porn based, public service website. Maybe the world's only such website! And all in the service of a noble goal: Sticking it to the virulently homophobic Westboro Baptist Church. Are you ready to join the cause?
Hopefully you are, because the plan, as outlined in Reddit threads collected by the Daily Dot, involves lots of crowdsourced naked, yet educational, pictures. After a Reddit user nabbed the domain name WestboroBaptistChurch.xxx, the social news site's hivemind decided the best use of the domain would be to host a positive, educational, pro-gay-rights website to counter Westboro's hate, exemplified by the church's infamous "God Hates Fags" placards. But all websites in the new ".xxx" domain must be pornographic. Hence the ultimate solution, which garnered more than 400 upvotes: The site should host nude porno educational videos.
That's where you'll come in: People have already begun pledging their bodies for naked, pro-gay-rights PSAs. The pictures could be collected on Reddit's "gonewild" board, where users already, as Daily Dot notes, upload naked pictures of themselves. Or they could be collected via WestboroBaptistChurch.xxx, turning an infamous hate brand into the title of the best known hub of gay-glorifying edu-porn. Start practicing your poses now. Because the internet, amazingly, actually does need more naked pictures.
[Image of nude Code Pink protestor via Getty Images]