The holidays are almost upon us, which means it's time for you to take a careful look at your neighbor and report any and all suspicious activity to your immediate supervisor. At least it is at the New York Times, which just sent a memo to all staffers urging them snitch on any co-worker who may have engaged in any "potential ethical or legal violations." IF YOU SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING. David Pogue, your ears are burning! Memo after the jump.

Dear Colleague,

The Company's excellent reputation depends on the honesty, integrity and good judgment of all of us. Our Business Ethics Policy and the Policy on Ethics in Journalism, along with the Core Purpose, Core Values and Rules of the Road, provide the standards by which all employees are expected to conduct themselves day to day. Adhering to these standards and achieving our financial and journalistic goals ensures the Company's long-term success.

If you become aware of any potential ethical or legal violations, we encourage you to report them. There are a number of ways this can be done. You can bring the matter to the attention of a supervisor or the legal department. You can also make a confidential call to the Company's Corporate Financial Ethics Hotline at (888) 270-5933, or (770) 582-5225 (collect) if outside North America. The Company prohibits any form of retaliation against an employee who reports a violation or participates in an investigation. More information about the hotline is available here.

Supervisors who receive a report of a potential ethical or legal violation should notify their manager or department head, who are responsible for elevating it as appropriate. Personnel matters are to be directed to the appropriate HR representative. Reports of accounting, internal control or auditing matters, or any potential securities law violation, should be directed to Phil Ciuffo, Vice President, Internal Audit, at (212) 556-8830 or Kenneth Richieri, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, at (212) 556-1995.

Our Core Purpose of enhancing society by creating, collecting and distributing high quality news, information and entertainment requires each one of us to demonstrate the highest standards of journalism and ethical business conduct.

Arthur & Janet

[Image via Shutterstock]