Steve Jobs "didn't like what [he] learned" about Abdulfattah John Jandali, his Syrian-American biological dad, and therefore never reestablished a relationship with Jandali before his death in October. But that absence of connection hasn't stopped Jandali from defending his son's products—and, in a sense, his legacy—from the oppressive Syrian government, which has banned iPhones to keep people from filming killings and other atrocities being committed by local authorities.

Jandali's video here is part of the "Syrian Sit-in": a YouTube-centric protest against Syria's government, which is even more authoritarian than Apple was under Jobs. We're not sure how Jobs would feel about his estranged father's participation in the campaign, but he would probably criticize the poor lighting and tell Jandali to stop reading off his notes so damned much.

[YouTube, via Cult of Mac]