That's it, folks! Roll up the circus tents and pack up the wagons: The nationwide search for a foe worthy enough to do battle with President Obama in the 2012 presidential election is finally over. The nominee is Newt Gingrich. It's done! Over. Kaput. Newt said as much to ABC News's Jake Tapper this afternoon:

GINGRICH: "I don't have to go around and point out the inconsistencies of people who are not going to be the nominee. They are not going to be the nominee."

TAPPER: "You are going to be the nominee?"

GINGRICH: "I'm going to be the nominee. It's very hard not to look at the recent polls and think that the odds are very high I'm going to be the nominee."

Wait — it's hard not to look at the recent polls and think that the odds are very high that he will be the nominee? Doesn't he mean it's hard not to look at the recent polls and think that the odds are very high that he won't be the nominee? What kind of convoluted declaration of overwhelming party support is that supposed to be, anyway? If this is the kind of mixed messages were getting this early in his campaign, Newt is all but a goner on election day. He should try not being so decisive in public; it's really not a good look on him.

Philandering Silverware Queen Declares Himself GOP Nominee
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