Crazed Butt Implant Doctor Also Destroyed This Woman's Face

[There was a video here]
Another alleged victim of Oneal Ron Morris—the Floridian fake doctor accused of injecting "cement, 'Fix a Flat,' mineral oil, and superglue" into her patients—has come forward. Rajee Narinesingh tells Miami's CBS affiliate that she heard about Morris by "'word of mouth' in the transsexual community," and underwent the procedures out of desperation:
It becomes so dire that you want to match your outside with your inside that you're willing to roll the dice and take your chances. As a transgender person, you're thinking, 'Oh, my God, I can start to look like I want to look like and I don't have to spend a lot of money.'

Narinesingh has had several surgeries to repair the damage, but "there is not an easy solution to this nightmare," according to her doctor. She says says she's glad she didn't die.
Morris was released on bond last night and awaits trial. [CBS Miami, images via CBS and MySpace]