Aaron Sorkin Will Reinvent Steve Jobs

Aaron Sorkin says he's "strongly considering" making a Steve Jobs movie. Remember how the screenwriter transformed robotic computer geek Mark Zuckerberg into a villainous sex symbol? Just think what he could do to Jobs, an actually interesting person!
Sorkin is clearly in love with the idea of making the movie, though he's playing coy, telling an arts festival crowd, "Right now I'm just in the thinking-about-it stages.... it's going to be a great movie no matter who writes it." Anyway, when the Oscar winning screenwriter makes the Jobs pic, we'd expect it will be as loosely tied to the underlying Walter Isaacson Jobs biography as "The Social Netwok" was to Ben Mezrich's Accidental Billionaires. Meaning that he'll avail himself of the chance to reshape the Apple co-founder's image in a way none of his many biographers have before. Isaacson, a journalistic heavyweight, may have done the heavy lifting, but it's Sorkin's take that will set Jobs's reputation in the coming decades.