UC Davis Pepper Spray Cop Is Now a Meme

Oh man, did you see that cop casually pepper spraying those kids at UC Davis? Horrible! Thankfully we live in the Internet Age, where every news event, no matter how dire, is instantly transformed into an amusing meme.
People are going crazy for this one, which is not surprising given the number of memes spewed out by Occupy fans. Pepper Spray Cop John Pike isn't even the first cop to become a meme thanks to Occupy Wall Street: Remember "Hipster Cop" Rick Lee?
Here are some of the better examples of what's officially (?) known as the Casually Pepper Spray Everything Cop Meme, based on the original iconic photo by Louise Macabitas.
Update: Here's a whole Tumblr dedicated to it, of course.
[Pepper-spraying Seurat image via Washington Post]

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