Seeking out additional sources of income is always a tempting option for today's financially strapped college student. That said, you might want to double- and triple-check the credentials of the sexologist for whose study you have just signed up, as he might just be some random dude trying to have sex with you in a motel room.

Such was the case at University of Washington, where students have complained of a man distributing hundreds of fliers around campus offering between $400 and $650 for their participation in a "sexology study."

"We are looking for people who will like to participate in a scientific study of SEXOLOGY: interests, behavior, and function," the flier read in part.

"We are studying sexology, the response to: How much of people's attraction comes from their imagined ideal? How much do touch, visual or hearing someone voice attributes to getting a person attention? 3) What are individual preference for beauty? 4) What role do money play and getting someone attention?"

Certainly sounds legit to me! But according to campus police, the man, who identified himself as either Quinton Brown or Quinton Johnson, would meet interested parties in empty classrooms, offer very little information about the study, then ask for their "names, addresses, birthdates and more."

"He is also alleged to have shown them sexually explicit photos and videos, and on two occasions asked them to go with him to a motel room to 'role play.'"

It's always a red flag when your research clinician tells you his lab is located in "Room 17 of the Twin Springs Motor Lodge. Just get naked, put a quarter in the Magic Fingers machine, and set a course for paradise. Of course, all your responses will be 100 percent confidential." [, Image via Shutterstock]