Right-wing blog mogul and political penis fetishist Andrew Breitbart makes his acting debut this week, in the Tea Party's adorable attempt at Hollywood glamour, self-financed drama series Courage, New Hampshire. Breitbart plays the "High Sheriff of 1770 Portsmouth." Here he is ordering the death of a lugubrious criminal who seems to have wandered in from a Monty Python sketch.

Since the sound of grown men weeping tends to arouse Breitbart, he then rips off his knickerbockers and receives a blowjob from a man in a tricorner hat.

(1:00 in video.) The High Sheriff is subsequently entangled in a gay sex scandal involving a bulletin board in the center of town called Ye Olde Grindour, and lithographed images of his genitals. Surprisingly progressive show. [Colony Bay]