Just hours after Poynter Instituter Julie Moos wrote that there were "questions" about popular media blogger Jim Romenesko's use of quotation marks—questions ostensibly raised by a single person—Romenesko handed in his resignation letter, bringing his 12-year stint with Poynter to an end.

It didn't have to be this way! But after being accused of displaying "a pattern of incomplete attribution" in his posts, as though he were up to something wrong, Romenesko submitted his letter—which he's already tried to do twice before, actually. "This really did throw me for a loop," he told the New York Times. "I think I'd probably prefer to go quietly."

Romenesko was supposed to go part-time at Poynter and start his own website in just seven weeks, so now he can get a head start. And the Poynter Institute can begin looking for someone to take his place, even though they can't, because some people are irreplaceable.

If you do take over Romenesko's job, be sure to put quotation marks around everything, including your byline. Because your parents came up with your name, and give credit where credit is due.

[New York Times]