Forget everything you thought you knew about alleged Herman Cain sexual assault victim Sharon Bialek's domestic living arrangement! (If what you know about it is absolutely nothing, then congratulations. You might actually lead a fulfilling life.) Claims that she and her 13-year-old son live with her fiance are not true, according to said fiance!

The man in question, Mark Harwood, told the Chicago ABC affiliate:

"We were engaged last year in June but I think there have been some assumptions that Sharon still lives here in Mundelein with me. Sharon and her son moved out in February of this year and now live in their own home ... so effectively we're no longer engaged."

There's more!

"I've never supported her financially and I never filed for bankruptcy. It's ludicrous" said Harwood, who added emphatically that he is "not a deadbeat dad" as has been suggested.

What does it all mean? I don't know! I bet Andrea Peyser knows, though. Her expert whorenalysis to follow. [WLS-TV]