The Beverly Hills mansion where Michael Jackson took his last breath is up for sale. All of the spookily preserved pieces inside (including his death bed) are to be auctioned off next week.

Everything in the house—from inspirational affirmations scrawled across his bathroom mirror to chairs draped with pieces of fabric that still show smears of his makeup—remains intact. And if that doesn't give you the heebie jeebies, I don't know what will. The only thing missing from the MJ Manor is old Miss Havisham's decaying wedding cake.

The 54,885 square-foot home, which comes with six bedrooms, 10 fireplaces, fitness center, and wine cellar, is currently listed at $23.5 million. It's a smaller version of Neverland Ranch, but without the miniature ponies. No ponies? A Jackson home is not a Jackson home without ponies, so you, future owner, will have to provide your own to get the full effect of the place.

[Images via AP,]