It's a frustrating day for pundits! The political world just wants to see Herman Cain's rapid, painful demise, right now, so we can get on with the business of a "Gingrich surge," which can then be brought to its own rapid, painful demise, leading us to the eventual acceptance of Mitt Romney.

It's probably safe to throw a modest "Perry bump" somewhere in that denouement, too, just because he has lots of money. And maybe a few more people will like Rick Santorum at some point. Ugh.

The point is: These Republican voters are really slowing down the pace of this scripted narrative with their insistence on liking Herman Cain. Why are they being so selfish? Just look at these latest figures. Folks have been trying really hard to point out that Herman Cain knows nothing and is incompetent, and have even thrown in several sexual harassment allegations as a bonus, and yet the damnable Republicans still won't let go of the guy:

Businessman Herman Cain and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney are running nearly even atop the field of 2012 GOP presidential hopefuls, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows, with most Republicans dismissing the harassment allegations that over the past week have roiled Cain's campaign.

Seven in 10 Republicans say reports that Cain made unwanted advances toward two employees when he was head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s - allegations which have been stiffly rebutted by Cain's campaign - do not matter when it comes to picking a candidate.

Wanna play hardball, Republican voters? Here's the ultimatum: The Beltway Media is going to start writing the "Gingrich surge" chapter in 10 days, whether you're there for it or not. What do you think this is all about, anyway? You? The things you want? Grow up and let the media figure this out for you! It's the very definition of "democracy." Ten days.

[Images via AP]