A new study conducted by the completely impartial TVGuide.com concludes that Americans are watching more television than they ever have. But people aren't watching all of their television when the networks want them to.

In the site's Fall 2011 TV Survey, which queried almost 6,000 people, 32% of respondents reported watching more than 30 hours of television a week, which is up from 18% last year. But fewer people are watching TV when it actually airs. About 71% of people are watching shows more on DVR and on demand, 55% watch their favorite shows online, 62% are watching more shows online than they did last year, and 15% watch five hours or more of video online each week. That is up 11% from last year.

If this trend continues, we're all going to be hunched in from of the computer all night, downloading shows that never even had a time slot. It's just amorphous content out there for us to gobble it up as soon as it's available. Granted these are people who watch TV and know how to use the internet and properly fill out a survey, which is sadly a smaller sample than you would imagine. The good news is that America is picking up what you're throwing down, TV, now you just have to figure out how to deliver it when they want it.

[Image via Shutterstock]