The Blue Code of Silence might be stronger than ever within the NYPD, but in Florida, cops aren't just snitching on other cops — they're chasing them down the Florida Turnpike at speeds in excess of 120 miles per hour, pulling them over, and reading them the riot act before placing them under arrest.

In this dashboard-camera footage, Florida Highway Patrol officer D.J. Watts swerves in and out of traffic, flashing lights on and sirens blaring, in hot pursuit of a Miami police car traveling at insanely dangerous speeds. After seven minutes, the car finally pulls over, and Watts orders the driver out at gunpoint. Officer Fausto Lopez, 35, emerges, and, as he is cuffed, apologetically says he never saw Watts, to which she replies, quite justifiably, "How do you not see a car with blue lights in the dark?" Lopez explains that he was late for a job at a private school. "There's some high-end people there," he says — presumably meaning rich people don't put up with tardiness?

Lopez was later released with only a ticket for dangerous driving — a second-degree misdemeanor that requires a court hearing. But the video quickly went viral, and city officials have been quick to denounce Lopez's actions. Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado told the Herald, "No one should drive 120 miles per hour," and police chief Manuel Orosa assured that an internal affairs investigation in underway. And Commissioner Frank Carollo put it this way: "The police, like everyone, must respect the laws. What has happened is unacceptable.'' []