While drum circles imperil the future of Occupy Wall Street, the protesters of Occupy Maine (yes, that's a thing, and please, people, no "The 99% cahn't get theyah from heeah" jokes) have been contending with a far more serious threat: Someone tossed a homemade chemical bomb at the Portland encampment.

The bomb was made from under-the-sink chemicals, possibly Drano, which were poured into a Gatorade bottle. It was tossed from the window of a silver, four-door sedan into the camp's kitchen, where meals are prepared and served.

Stephanie Wilburn, who was at the camp at the time, told WGME that she heard a "clank" when a car drove by, and then witnessed an explosion about three feet away from her, under a table.

"It was kind of scary," Wilburn said.

"I lost hearing overnight, and I also got a sore throat from inhaling the Drano smoke. So it was not very fun at all," she said.

Protesters fear a second attack, but police say another such bomb had been tossed elsewhere in the city, and it was the "type often associated with teenage pranks." [Portland Press Herald, Photo via Occupy Maine/Facebook]