New York City offers a great many things, but places to sit and places to relieve oneself (which might also encompass a place to sit) are not among them. One of those deficits is about to be remedied, however, as the ambitious new CityBench program seeks to install 1,000 new benches on city streets, with an emphasis on placing them near "bus stops, retail corridors, and in areas with high concentrations of senior citizens."

The slotted, industrial design is by Ignacio Ciocchini, whose name sounds expensive, and will offer sidewalk-weary pedestrians a place to rest their tootsies. (It will also offer youths carrying cardboard boxes full of Twizzlers and Mike and Ikes a temporarily captive audience on which to ply their bogus fundraising schemes. So keep that in mind.)

Would you like a bench near you? Then merely download and fill out this handy CityBench Request Form and mail it to the bench people! They have 1,000 fancy benches to screw in! Which means 1,000 fancy benches to screw on! Why shouldn't one of them be conveniently located to you? [Gothamist, Photos via Dept. of Transportation]