Sometimes the news just cycles round and round and you can't tell when a story is new or old. Just like today when Lindsay Lohan appeared in court looking like a mess and had her probation revoked. Now she might go back to jail. Yeah, we've heard this song and dance before.

LA Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner said what everyone is thinking: "She is supposed to be an actress from what I hear. I don't know who much acting work she's done or is doing." The judge was clearly pissed that Lohan hasn't completed her community service, blew off numerous appointments at the women's shelter where she was supposed to be volunteering, and that she's racked up "violation upon violation."

LiLo—who of course looked a mess and like she wasn't wearing blush so much as she colored her face in with a maroon Crayola—was taken away in cuffs and bail, which she'll make later today, was set at $100,000. She'll be back in court yet again on November 2 for a probation violation hearing during which she'll most likely be sent back to jail. Remember when this story was fun and exciting? Now it's just to be expected and, well, sad.

[NYP, image via AP]