Rick Santorum, who is constitutionally incapable of not whining whenever he opens his mouth, had a whiny response to being made fun of on Saturday Night Live this weekend.

SNL did another GOP debate sketch and placed Santorum's character in a San Francisco gay bar, where he was terribly uncomfortable, because Rick Santorum famously hates gay people. Ha, that's me alright! the real Santorum could have responded, if he were constitutionally capable of not whining whenever he opens his mouth. Instead we get this, before he's even watched the sketch:

"We've been hammered by the left for my standing up for the traditional family and I will continue to do so," Santorum told WGIR's "White House Brief" show despite admitting that he had not seen the skit yet. "The left, unfortunately, participates in bullying more than the right does. They say that they're tolerant, and they're anything but tolerant of people who disagree with them and support traditional values."

Got it, SNL? No more common jokes allowed. And under a Rick Santorum presidency, NBC will be ordered to show a crappy VHS copy of "Rick Santorum's Summer Dance Party" every Saturday afternoon at 5:30, the new "late night," as the country's military-enforced National Bedtime will be at 7.