Occupy Wall Street, or occupy a disabled stranger's home and transform it into a drugs-and-party den? This is the choice that many Americans face right now. Either activity can get you arrested, as eight Californians who chose Option Two recently learned.

The eight participants in Occupy Some Random Guy's Place—six men ages 18 to 40, and two underage girls—allegedly forced themselves into a 62-year-old disabled veteran's Santa Ana apartment and, the Orange County Register reports, "used the residence for parties, drugs and other illicit activities while the man lived in fear." This went on for at least a week! The vet reportedly suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and had no idea who the fuck these people invading his house were; ABC describes them as "gang members," though the Register lists only one of the suspects as an identified gang member. When the party people invited other party people over to the place to come party, their unwilling host hid in his bedroom, a silent disco of one.

A concerned neighbor called the cops and asked them to check on the man, ending everyone's fun time. Now the eight face elder abuse and false imprisonment charges, and the vet must try to sort out the "wreck" they left behind. He should probably get some big dogs.

[ABC 7, Orange County Register. Images via Santa Ana PD]