Liberian peace activist Leyma Gbowee, Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and Yemeni democracy activist Tawakkul Karman somehow beat animal rights advocate and Egyptian revolutionary Mark Zuckerberg in winning the Nobel Peace Prize. What could these women possibly have done to outshine the man who has perhaps done more to liberate private information than anyone else?


  • Karman leads Women Journalists Without Chains, a human rights group, and has organized protests against the president
  • Sirleaf, aka "Iron Lady," has used her position to promote peace and women's equality
  • Gbowee has also advocated for women and campaigned against rape

Yeah, but how much money have they made for investors? Money is peace.

The three winners will split the $1.5 million three ways, but spend it together during an all-day "girls' day out" shopping excursion on either Rodeo Drive or an outlet mall in New Jersey—whichever they feel like doing more. [CBS News. Image of Karman via AP]