This hilariously weird object is the latest random thing investigated by Portland's overzealous bomb squad. (The last was a tennis ball, which they detonated.) If you're wondering what it is, it's "a makeshift diorama containing a packet of tomato seeds, a flannel shirt and a computer mouse" that was spotted just sitting around on the street. Duh.

Roads were closed for an hour as police inspected the unusual creation. Was it a scarecrow? A beacon to other-worldly beings? A schizophrenic homeless man's homemade best friend? The drunken product of a lesbian craft night at the local microbrewery? And why hadn't anyone put a put a bird on it?

In any case, it was deemed harmless, and Portland PD "left the box, complete with light bulb, fuzzy orange top, and a tiny thank you card," where they found it. We love you, Portland. [ via Fark, Photo via]