Meet Amy Blose, a 37-year-old married mother of two who was arrested this week for attempting to contact a 13-year-old boy who she's been accused of sexually assaulting. Her method of contact: Burrito.

If you've been accused of statutory rape, it's probably in your best interests to not try and contact your alleged victim. But Blose apparently wasn't thinking of he best interests when she asked one of her victim's classmates

to bring him a breakfast burrito she purchased from a restaurant with a note stuck in the wrapper that read, "Hey babe, I love you forever." [...] Police learned last week that Blose had written the note inside the wrapper of a Sonic breakfast burrito—the boy's favorite breakfast—and allegedly asked a 15-year-old girl to give it to him at school. When the boy received the burrito, he notified his parents, who contacted police.

Yes, the old "burrito method." Sneaky! But it only works if your message's intended recipient doesn't turn you over to his parents.

[ABC News]