Don't you sometimes wonder about all the useful information your favorite banks, bill collectors, and mortgage lenders would be sharing with you via your cell phone, whenever they felt like it, if they only could? If our representatives in Washington pass the Mobile Informational Call Act of 2011, you won't have to wonder anymore!

Introduced by sexy lobbyist-loving Rep. Lee Terry (R-Nebraska) and Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-NY), this exciting new piece of legislation would "modernize" the Communications Act of 1934 to permit companies to reach you by cell phone "for informational purposes." Consumerist has reprinted the bill as well as a supportive letter cosigned by the American Bankers Association, ACA International (which represents collections agencies), the Student Loan Servicing Alliance, the Mortgage Bankers Association, and other organizations who represent the consumer money-taking industry. "This legislation will enact limited, common-sense revisions to facilitate the delivery of time-sensitive consumer information, while continuing to protect wireless consumers from unwanted telemarketing calls," says ACA International CEO Patrick J. Morris, who's just looking out for our best interests.

A search of OpenSecrets shows that the American Bankers Association is the fifth most-generous contributor to our man on the Hill, Rep. Terry—donating $75,000 since 1989 (strictly for informational purposes). On the other hand, looks like Towns hasn't received big money from the ABA or any of the other organizations who signed that support letter—so it's probably safe to assume that the Mobile Informational Call Act of 2011 will greatly enrich your life.

[Consumerist, Inside ARM. Image via Shutterstock]