Some models say, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." But Omaima Aree Nelson, a former Egyptian model, said, "Nothing tastes as good as the man I married." So she killed and ate him! And now she'd like to be released early, please.

Nelson received a 27-years-to-life sentence back in 1991 for having murdered her newlywed husband, William E. Nelson, over a Thanksgiving weekend that would put your petty holiday squabbles to shame.

According to a psychiatrist's testimony at the trial, Nelson "put on red shoes, a red hat and red lipstick," then spent "hours chopping up her husband's body."

After the murder, Nelson cooked her husband's head on the stove, skinned his torso, fried his hands in oil, Senior Deputy District Attorney Randy Pawloski, who prosecuted the case, told the Daily Pilot. [...]

Neighbors at the time said the garbage disposal was on for "a long time" and "constant chopping sounds" were coming from the home, according to the newspaper.

Nelson then drove garbage bags filled with the body parts to various ex-boyfriends, asking them to help dispose of the evidence and offering $75,000 for help, Pawloski said.

Worst. Thanksgiving. Ever. Nelson was denied her first bid for parole in 2006, and is scheduled to appear at her second hearing next Wednesday in Chowchilla State Prison in central California. Don't fall for it, Chowchilla parole board! I hear she puts out quite a spread. [KTLA, screenshot via Orange County Register]