New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (who will be played by the talking trash heap from Fraggle Rock in his biopic) found out he is allowed to veto a $420,000 tax credit the New Jersey Economic Development Authority gave Jersey Shore to film in the state. He might do exercise that right. What a stupid idea.

Christie, who has openly opposed the show in the past, seems more than thrilled to cut the show's tax incentive. Why? He's going to make it harder for a show that brings millions of dollars of tourist revenue in his state every year? As the Miami and Italy seasons have shown, New Jersey needs Jersey Shore more than Snooki and Co. need to be in the state. If he cuts their credit they could easily relocate to just about anywhere there is booze, hot tubs, and people just intoxicated enough to sign a release form and sell their souls to MTV's orange-skinned devil.

It's not like the governor doesn't already have a massive PR problem (mostly for, you know, being massive) so why not give the most popular show on cable a break and churn up some goodwill among young voters at the same time? But he'll never do it. Well, maybe if Snooki offered to share her fried pickles.